An historical documentary that tells the story of the workers who built and operated the Australian railway network.
A short film about respecting nursing staff.
A short documentary introducing new coal miners to underground safety.
A collection of tribute speeches to Bill Kelty at the ACTU Congress Dinner.
A corporate video about workplace reform, enterprise bargaining and workplace deregulation.
Television campaign ads highlighting the threat of Work Choices legislation to ordinary workers.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
On camera oral history featuring Australia's unionized merchant seamen.
Amateur documentary depicting the workings and operation of the Wonthaggi State Coal Mine.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about nursing.
A documentary about the devastating impact of uranium mining, processing and nuclear bomb testing in South Australia in the 1950s.
A short film about a superhero nurse.
A documentary that recounts the history of coal mining in the Illawarra region of southern NSW.
A short film about nursing and hospital food.
A short documentary in which four working class women recount the hardships they endured during the Depression years.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about coal miners and hearing loss.
A short film about nursing.
Tribute video for Tas Bull, General Secretary of the Waterside Workers Federation 1984 to 1993.
A short documentary about coal mining and protecting the environment.
A short documentary highlighting the dangers of dust to the health of mine workers.
A short film about nursing.
A documentary about the Australian Building and Construction Commission and the intimidation of workers.
A short video about threat of privatisation of Australia's water utilities.
A documentary recounting American bass baritone artist and political activist Paul Robeson's visit to the construction site of the Sydney Opera House.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing and diabetes.
A satirical comedy feature film about an election night party in the suburbs of Sydney in 1969.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about electrical safety in coal mining.
A short film about nursing and nutrition.
A short documentary about fighting fires in coal mining.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about the Fremantle Lockout in Western Australia.
Picket line footage of the 1997 Gordonstone Mine Dispute.
A short film about nursing.
A feature documentary about the 1946 Aboriginal pastoral strike in Western Australia.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A documentary about the 1982 Kemira Colliery strike in Wollongong New South Wales.
A promotional video about training and skills for young people.
A documentary about life on the picket line during the Vickery coal mine strike in 1995.
A short documentary demonstrating longwall mining at Invincible Colliery.
A short documentary about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A conference video celebrating the MUA as a militant union.
A mock TV news video highlighting current events important to the MUA.
A short documentary exploring historically important disputes in the MUA's history.
A short documentary about the importance of union delegates on the waterfront.
A short documentary profiling working on a tanker vessel and the role of the union.
A short documentary about the importance of unions in the workplace.
A short documentary about the Port of Whyalla in South Australia.
A short documentary about the Maritime Museum of South Australia.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about nursing strike.
A short documentary about nursing and HIV.
A short documentary about nursing and immigration.
A short documentary concerning open cut coal mine safety for new workers.
A short documentary about the 1986 Robe River iron ore mine dispute in Western Australia's Pilbara region.
A short documentary about the importance of coal to industry and society.
A narrative film about two working class characters attempting to escape 1970s Melbourne for sunshine and hope in Queensland.
A corporate video about skills training for Aboriginal people in northern News South Wales.
A short documentary about mines rescue in New South Wales.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about underground roof bolting.
A short documentary about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A documentary feature about Australian Prime Minister Ben Chifley.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about nursing and patient transport.
A short documentary about coal exploration in New South Wales and Queensland.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about the 1986 Woodside offshore rig dispute.
A promotional union video about the Patrick Dispute in 1998.
A short documentary introducing new coal miners to underground work and safety measures.
A documentary about the risks of open cut uranium mining to workers and communities.
A short documentary about managing risk in underground coal mining.
A short documentary about underground mining at the Cordeaux Colliery.