A short documentary in which four working class women recount the hardships they endured during the Depression years.
A documentary feature that charts the history of Australian women in the workplace and their struggles.
A feature documentary about Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam.
Animated film depicting Aboriginal legends and art.
A documentary feature that traces this history of Aboriginal public education in New South Wales.
An extended reflective interview with Liberal Party Senator Neville Bonner, Australia's first Aboriginal member of Federal Parliament.
A corporate video about skills training for Aboriginal people in northern News South Wales.
A documentary feature that traces the history of New South Wales Builders Labourers' Federation and its social activism.
A conference video celebrating the MUA's campaigns for internationalisation and solidarity.
A short documentary charting the history of Eveleigh Railway Workshops in Sydney.
A short documentary about Western Australia's stolen generations.
A short documentary about the impact of a manganese mine on indigenous workers and community on Groote Eylandt island.
A short documentary about an aboriginal opal miner in the outback.
A short documentary about pearlers in Western Australia.
A documentary about the risks of open cut uranium mining to workers and communities.
A documentary about the struggle of a group of women to win the right to work at the Wollongong steelworks.
A 2013 NSW Teachers Federation promotional video highlighting campaigns and activities.
A 2014 NSW Teachers Federation promotional video highlighting campaigns and activities.
A 2015 NSW Teachers Federation promotional video highlighting campaigns and activities.