Terms of use

Australian Unions Online Communities

Thanks for being part of the Australian Unions online community.

This Australian Unions space on a third-party platform provides an opportunity to share opinions and engage with others through Australian Unions social media channels.

All users are required to treat each other with respect and courtesy. As unionists, we stand for safety, we respect each other, and we will always fight for equality and fairness.

Terms of Use – Australian Unions Social Media

In engaging with Australian Unions social media, you understand and agree Australian Unions has ultimate editorial control over all its social media channels. Australian Unions may edit, remove, or exercise its discretion not to accept or publish your contribution. This includes decisions that we take for legal, editorial, or operational reasons including if we consider it to be:

  1. defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or that it violates laws regarding harassment, discrimination, racial vilification, privacy, or contempt. Australian Unions reserves the right to close comments on posts that may elicit harmful, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful user contributions
  2. intentionally false or misleading
  3. an infringement of intellectual property rights including copyright
  4. abusive, offensive, or obscene
  5. racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic
  6. inappropriate, off topic, repetitive or vexatious. For example, Australian Unions reserves the right to reject contributions that have been widely canvassed in the forum. It also reserves the right to reject contributions from participants who seek to dominate the discussion
  7. compromising the privacy of any person or containing inappropriate personal information
  8. seeking to endorse commercial products or services
  9. seeking to directly solicit donations
  10. deliberate provocation of other community members, or
  11. impersonating someone else and/or posting on behalf of a suspended member.

If you breach these Terms of Use, Australian Unions may block your account or contributions.

To assist in ensuring that this space continues to reflect the values of the union movement and the terms of use Australian Unions moderates content.

Outside of moderator business hours, or where a moderator resource is not available, comments on posts may be turned off to allow us to uphold and enforce the Terms of Use.