A short documentary introducing new coal miners to underground safety.
A government informational film about the introduction of mechanised industrial handling equipment after World War Two.
A short documentary about coal miners and hearing loss.
A short documentary highlighting the dangers of dust to the health of mine workers.
A newsreel about mechanised coal mining in Newcastle, New South Wales in the 1950s.
A short documentary about the plight of coal miners in Australia up until the 1950s.
A short documentary demonstrating longwall mining at Invincible Colliery.
A short documentary concerning open cut coal mine safety for new workers.
A short documentary about the importance of coal to industry and society.
A government film about cane cutters in far north Queensland during the 1940s.
A government short documentary about mine mechanisation in New South Wales in the 1950s.
A short documentary that recounts the struggles of Australian waterside workers from the Great Depression to the 1950s.
A government film about timber cutters on the New South Wales mid north coast in the 1950s.
A newsreel about the Yallourn brown coal mine and power house in Victoria in the 1940s.
A short documentary introducing new coal miners to underground work and safety measures.
A short documentary about managing risk in underground coal mining.
A short documentary about underground mining at the Cordeaux Colliery.