A collection of interviews from the NSW Teachers Union about the NSW Government's Local Schools, Local Decisions policy introduced in 2012.
A short film about respecting nursing staff.
A corporate video by AEU Tasmania profiling the Tasmanian Education Department's Teacher Assistant Development program.
A promotional video by the meat workers union highlighting the benefits of union membership.
A short film about nursing.
An interview with Richard Butcher about the Eveleigh Railway Workshops in Sydney.
A short documentary about nursing.
A short documentary about nurse to patient ratios legislation for Victorian public hospitals.
A short film about a superhero nurse.
A short film about nursing and hospital food.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A campaign video promoting Australian shipbuilding.
A short film about nursing and diabetes.
A short film about nursing.
Footage of an Eight Hour Day procession through Melbourne in 1939.
A short film about nursing and nutrition.
A promotional video highlighting the problem of violence against healthcare workers.
An interview with Bill Driver about the Eveleigh Railway Workshops in Sydney.
An interview with Bob Rhymes about the Eveleigh Railway Workshops in Sydney.
An interview with Ian Mair about the Eveleigh Railway Workshops in Sydney.
An interview with Jack Mulcahy about the Eveleigh Railway Workshops in Sydney.
An interview with a descendent of railway workers at the Eveleigh Railway Workshops in Sydney.
An interview with Robert Wright about the Eveleigh Railway Workshops in Sydney.
A short film about nursing.
A corporate video profiling the Australian Education Union’s I Give a Gonski national campaign.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A satirical campaign ad in support of a carbon tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax and 457 visas.
A satirical campaign ad against the mining industry's use of 457 visa workers.
A satirical campaign ad against the mining industry's use of 457 visa workers.
A satirical campaign ad against the mining industry's use of 457 visa workers.
A satirical campaign ad against the mining industry's use of 457 visa workers.
A satirical campaign ad against removing union safety inspectors from Queensland mines.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad against the repeal of the Resources Tax.
A satirical campaign ad promoting the gains won by trade unions for workers.
A satirical campaign ad protesting BHP's neglect of coal mining communities in Central Queensland.
A promotional video about ACTU President Michelle O'Neil.
A short film about nursing.
An extended reflective interview with Liberal Party Senator Neville Bonner, Australia's first Aboriginal member of Federal Parliament.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about nursing strike.
A short documentary about nursing and HIV.
A short documentary about nursing and immigration.
A union promotional video for rail, tram and bus workers in Victoria.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A union video about protecting workers' entitlements when companies become insolvent.
A short documentary about nursing.
A corporate video about human trafficking, slavery and forced labour in Australia.
A short film about nursing.
A video about environmental sustainability in an emergency department.
A campaign video protesting TAFE budget cuts in Victoria.
A promotional video about union support for new educators in Tasmanian schools.
A short film about nursing.
A video about the impact of the gig economy and automation on transport workers.
A short documentary about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A short documentary about nursing and patient transport.
A short film about nursing.
A short film about nursing.
A 2012 NSW Teachers Union conference video highlighting campaigns surrounding the Local Schools, Local Decisions policy.
A promotional video aimed at encouraging women in education to join their union.
A short documentary about equal pay for women in community and disability services.
A documentary about the risks of open cut uranium mining to workers and communities.
A campaign video about cuts to workers compensation in NSW.
A 2013 NSW Teachers Federation promotional video highlighting campaigns and activities.
A 2014 NSW Teachers Federation promotional video highlighting campaigns and activities.
A 2015 NSW Teachers Federation promotional video highlighting campaigns and activities.
A 2016 NSW Teachers Union video highlighting various issues and campaigns.