
Workplace Union Leaders: Delegates Intensive

This course will allow experienced workplace representatives to build their leadership capacity and refine their skills.

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Organiser Pathway: Twelve Month Program

This program contains three distinct Organising courses that will be covered over twelve months.

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Organiser Pathway Level 1: Organising Foundations

This course will teach the essential steps in organising a workplace, including planning, mapping and analysis, the structured organising conversation and objection handling.

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Working for Unions

This course will provide an orientation to working in the union movement.

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Public Speaking

This course will help you to develop your public speaking skills.

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Union Governance: Train the Trainer

This course will qualify you to deliver the ACTU Union Governance Course for union officials.

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Federal Right of Entry

This course will allow union officials to apply for a right of entry permit under the Fair Work Act.

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Parliamentary Inquiries: Submissions and Hearings

This course will demonstrate strategies to produce effective submissions that make the most of appearing before Parliamentary committees.

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Ending Worker Exploitation in Global Supply Chains

This course will explore pragmatic ways to build worker voices in global supply chains.

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Economics for Unionists

This course will provide a grounding in the fundamentals of economic theory and policy from a unionist’s perspective.

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Climate Action for Unionists

This course will share fundamental knowledge about how the climate crisis affects workers’ wellbeing and explore how worker-led initiatives can drive better climate solutions in Australia.

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Lead Organiser Development Program

This course will develops skills in planning, staff professional development, and systems of supervision and management.

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Coaching for Growth

This course will teach Organisers and Campaigners how to coach workplace leaders on growing union membership.

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Power at Work: Next Steps for Delegates

This course will take a practical approach to developing your delegate communication and organising methods.

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Core Skills for Delegates

This course will provide the practical skills, knowledge and confidence you need to be an effective delegate.

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Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

This course will provide you with a WHS tool kit governed by a proactive and preventative approach to workplace health and safety from a union perspective.

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Work Health and Safety Foundations

This course will cover fundamental knowledge of WHS legislation.

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Industrial Relations Reform Series

This course will cover the broad areas of Industrial Relations reform which came into operation from December 2022 and throughout 2023.

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Handling Grievances in the Workplace

This course will teach skills and frameworks to build your capacity to communicate around and work through grievance issues with workers and employers.

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This course will teach you how to present a submission to the Fair Work Commission or other industrial tribunal.

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Bargaining and Negotiation

This course will teach you how to build power to influence negotiations.

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Organiser Pathway Level 4: Craft of Organising

This course will develop your capacity to plan and execute campaigns, extend conversation and messaging skills, and develop strategies around long-term leadership and organisational structures in the workplace.

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Organiser Pathway Level 2: Building Union

This course will increase your capacity and confidence in recruitment and delegate development skills, as well as advancing strategies in problem-solving and dispute resolution.

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Organiser Induction

This course will explore the values that underpin unionism and develop basic skills and knowledge to get you started on your journey as a union Organiser.

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Union Governance

This course will allow you demonstrate compliance with the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 as a union official. test

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Sociology for Unionists

This course will explore how you can apply liberation sociology to your union work.

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Commonwealth Work Health and Safety Entry Permit Holder

This course will provide an overview of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and broadly outlines the range of powers entry permit holders have in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.

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Organiser Pathway Level 3: Organising for Change

This course will equip you with the practical skills needed to excel in the vital role you play within the movement.

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Industrial Foundations

The course will teach you about industrial relations and how to confidently apply this knowledge to issue resolution.

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