The course will teach you about industrial relations and how to confidently apply this knowledge to issue resolution.
4 days
This course is designed for Organisers and newly appointed Industrial Officers looking to acquire fundamental knowledge about industrial relations and how to confidently apply this knowledge to issue resolution.
In this course, you will acquire the fundamentals of the Australian industrial relations system, including its history. The course will cover how laws are made, legal principles such as precedent and the interface between statute and case law.
You will learn about the various industrial instruments that govern employment relationships and how to read and interpret legislation. You will also explore and gain and understanding of the intersection between industrial and organising approaches in the resolution of issues.
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
Power analysis
Types of power and how power can be leveraged in organising
Overview of employment law
Industrial, health and safety, anti-discrimination legislation and options for issue resolution
How laws are made and navigating legislation
History of industrial relations system in Australia
Key legislation since federation and how this has shaped our current system and IR context
Overview of Fair Work Act
Application and scope
Overview of recent reform (Secure Jobs Better Pay Act)
Types of employment
Employment types and entitlements
Employee/independent contractor distinction
Industrial instruments
Legislation, awards and agreements
Navigating agreements and clause interpretation
Legal principles
Principles of interpretation
Reading decisions using the ILAC method
Employment contracts
Basic elements of employment contracts
Interaction with company policies and procedures
Resolution of issues
Case study (CUB) exploring industrial and organising options for resolution
Problem solving framework
This course will utilise a range of resources and methodologies to maximise engagement including group work, videos, case studies, authentic materials, facilitated discussion and content delivery through visual presentations.