Produced by the Waterside Workers Film Unit, this is an animated film that depicts two Aboriginal legends – Wayamba the Turtle and Bohra the Kangaroo. The film opens with depictions of aboriginal art and cultural artifacts, before telling the story of the two legends through animation based on aboriginal art.
The film has no direct link to workers, however, according to the Fighting Films (2006) DVD audio commentary, art direction and animation was conducted by two friends of the union, Harry Reade and Clem Millward. The commentary further notes that the film was a response to post war nationalism and a consequent recognition of the art and culture of aboriginal communities.
Special Notes/Achievements
Featured on Fighting Films (2006) DVD. According to the DVD audio commentary, music was provided by Professor Elkin of Anthropology at Sydney University. [1]
- Official selection – Sydney Film Festival (Aust), 1957
- Official selection – Edinburgh Film Festival (UK), 1957
- Official selection – Czechoslovakian Film Festival (Czechoslovakia), 1957 [2]
[1] Fighting Films DVD (2006), Produced by Lisa Milner. [DVD] Sydney; Maritime Union of Australia.
[2] ibid
Author: J Bird, 2023