Futures Network: AI and algoritmic management

Resource Library

Wednesday 13 September, 10:30am-12:00pm

AI is taking the world by storm, and revolutionising the world of work in the process. Unions, like every sector of society, will need to find effective ways to respond. Across three workshops in September, October, and November 2023, the Futures Network explored some of the most pressing questions relevant for unions in this emerging space.
In this, the first of the series, a panel outlined key recent developments, how they impact workers and what needs to be considered in unions’ response.

Speakers include:
Associate Professor Alysia Blackham, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne
AI, bias and discrimination, and the need for collective responses.
Joseph Mitchell, Assistant Secretary, ACTU
Implications for workers and policy.
Nicole McPherson, National Assistant Secretary, FSU 
Impact on workers in banking and finance 
Jack Boutros, Campaigner, TWU National Office 
AI in gig-transport and logistics

Presentation slides and links to further information are included with this resource.

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Content Length: 1 hour 30 mins

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