The Queensland Teachers Union has completed its report examining the next generation of workers. This session goes through what makes our under 30s tick—and in particular what unions can do now to ensure they are meeting the needs of the next generation of workers.
What are the battles that need to be won for unions to grow? How can unions position themselves to prospective members for relevance and effectiveness? How do future members perceive the value of union membership? And how can we improve the pathways to join? In this session, we’ll take you through the research underpinning the ACTU’s Brand Project, and discuss how unions can win the battle for growth.
Whether it be targeting students at university or those about to enter their first apprenticeship, this session covers how unions have successfully organised young workers as they undergo education and training for their chosen profession.
Communications (3)
Leadership (2)
Organising (3)
2020 (3)
ACTU Conference 2020 (3)
Webinars (3)