Newsreel footage of various social activities and events in the Wonthaggi District during the early 1930s, featuring a school reunion, a Miss Inverloch event, a social tennis game, the local football grand final, the Kilcunda sports and picnic day, a wedding and the Wonthaggi to Melbourne Bicycle race.
The most notable of these segments is the Kilcunda Sports and Picnic Day, an annual family day organised by the Wonthaggi Miners Union. An important day on the union calendar, the footage shows the train leaving Wonthaggi and arriving at Kilcunda, where crowds mill about in their best Sunday dress. This is followed by scenes of foot racing at Kilcunda, sand castle building on the beach, an endearing scene of a large group of happy children jumping onto a man, as well as fragments of a train crossing the iconic Kilcunda bridge. The people in these scenes are likely to be Wonthaggi miners and their families.
Special Notes/Achievements
National Film and Sound Archive catalogue indicates ca 1932 as the date of the Kilcunda Sports and Picnic Day.
Author: J Bird, 2023