Establishing shots of the coalmine and workers finishing their shift. Peter Garrett meets with what appear to be mine representatives. It is all rough footage without editing.
Garrett speaks to the miners about Labor’s plan to invest in clean energy technology, in order to address climate change, and stand up for the coal industry jobs and building a vibrant economy by reducing emissions. This was a big debate before the up and coming federal election of 2007. Labor maintained that BHP were putting very little capital into research and development for clean energy. Kevin Rudd’s plan was to have companies contribute to this cause.
The producer sets up the coal miners for a photo opportunity with the minister. Peter Garett finds the opportunity to tell his audience of the new directions for clean coal technology, and for investment into clean technology. This “new direction”, Garrett points out that Howard was slow to implement such change. Garett talks about the National Emissions Trading Scheme and Kyoto protocols. He argues for a clean technology message in the dirty coal industry, as he does not want to take the nuclear option.
Banter with the miners. Main issues are industrial laws and climate change for the election. Destroying job security. Do not support them on this issue alone. Greg Combet, Secretary of the ACTU, tells the miners that they will fight for every coalminer’s job in the country. Closing shot of the miners going down the shaft.
Special Notes/Achievements
Author: J Bird, 2023