The video shows the MUA delegation to Strasbourg, which is there to fight the Port Package II Bill, which would have given ship owners freedom to choose their workers. Ports Package I Bill was for Europe only and it had been fought in Sep 2003 and the proposal was voted down. This second Bill is the same as that one, only global. The ITF was called in for support from all over the world to fight this underhanded attempt to dismantle effective unionism within the docks. The Patrick approach of de-regulation.
The MUA lead what became a violent demonstration in another part of the world. Water cannons and gas was used against the protesters. The Australians were un-prepared, with only flags and hankies to defend themselves. Some wondered why the Australians were there at all, but it was about solidarity, and if this Bill had gone through, there was always a danger of the package finding its way down under by the Howard government. The European Parliament turned it down.
Special Notes/Achievements
Part of a collection of short videos presented at the Maritime Union of Australia’s 2008 International Solidarity Conference.
Author: J Bird, 2023