This course will equip participants with basic skills and knowledge to effectively engage adult learners and foster a cohesive and inclusive learning environment.
3 days
This course is for affiliates that may not have a dedicated educator. This course is designed to build affiliate internal capacity for organisers and other officials to delivery training to delegates.
This course will equip participants with basic skills and knowledge to effectively engage adult learners and foster a cohesive and inclusive learning environment. It covers key principles of adult learning and methodologies and frameworks that have informed trade union education.
Participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of how adults learn and be able to apply these principles to design and deliver effective sessions suitable to their audience and learning context.
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
Optimise Learning for adults
Overview of key learning theories
Adult learning principles
Understanding barriers to learning
Creating a Safe and Inclusive Learning Environment
Establishing ground rules and expectations
Promoting a culture of respect and collaboration
Managing dynamics and conflicts
Session Planning and preparation
Contextualising content and resources to meet specific learning objectives
Components of session plans (objectives, content methodology, resources)
Selecting appropriate teaching methods (discussions, hands-on activities)
Techniques for maintaining interest and motivation
Gathering feedback from participants
It is intended that participants will develop a session during the course that they will be able to deliver to delegates/members/staff back at a workplace they organise or their own union.
This course will model teaching techniques and involve a range of methodologies including facilitated discussion, small group work and interactive activities.