A suite of new clinics covering a range of topics, delivered by subject matter experts


Learning Clinics are delivered online by subject matter experts in collaboration with the ATUI Educators. Clinics combine presentations and facilitated discussion from our expert practitioners along with interactive problem-solving activities, enabling practical application to the workplace.

Each clinic comprises of 4 x 90-minute sessions, once a week, over four weeks.

There are no prerequisites to register for clinics and all union staff and workplace activists alike are welcome to enrol.



This clinic will cover industrial relations reform in relation to family and domestic violence (FDV) and sexual harassment, and the objects of the Fair Work Act 2009, and explore the organising opportunities presented by gender equity reform.

It will also look at the impacts of trauma, how to identify indicators of trauma and how to provide a trauma-informed response to disclosures of FDV and sexual harassment, including developing workplace plans and appropriate referral services.

This clinic is suitable for leaders, organisers, industrial staff and those who may be in receipt of disclosure of FDV, including delegates.


Expert presenters:

Karen Willis OAM, Gender Equity Officer, Unions NSW

Karen worked for 40 years in the NGO sector in sexual domestic and family violence and harassment services. This included service delivery, policy, advocacy and legislative work, and a focus on research and primary prevention of violence against women. Karen has been awarded a Churchill Fellowship, an Order of Australia Medal, and the Grand Stirrer Edna Ryan Award for her work in responding to and preventing violence and discrimination against women.

Keely Tobin, ACTU Senior Industrial Officer, Organising and Bargaining Support

Sascha Peldova-McClelland, ACTU Senior Legal and Industrial Officer


Session 1 | 30 April | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 2 | 7 May | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 3 | 14 May | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 4 | 21 May | 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Cost: $150




In this clinic, you’ll discover strategies and proven techniques to enhance member engagement and boost retention rates. Based on strategies used effectively by unions and ACTU Insights research, you’ll learn how to build strong and lasting connections with union members, ensuring their continued support, active participation, and life-long membership.

This clinic will make sure your recruitment efforts have a lasting impact on your union’s growth and success.


Session 1 | 25 June | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 2 | 2 July | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 3 | 9 July | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 4 | 16 July | 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Cost: $150


Register here



In this clinic, you will learn how to research cases and identify relevant precedent to help you build a case theory and a coherent legal argument. The clinic will also explore application of the rules of evidence and teach you how to prepare for hearings including taking witness statements. Finally, the clinic will cover effective cross–examination techniques.


Session 1 | 3 September | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 2 | 10 September | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 3 | 17 September | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 4 | 24 September | 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Cost: $150


Register here



Multi-employer bargaining has the potential to achieve stronger outcomes for workers and our movement. Operating in new bargaining contexts is an opportunity to grow and build our members’ power and rights at work. As unionists, we will need to consider new ways of working, to be prepared to work in larger, and more distributed organising contexts.

This clinic will explore how we best use our internal resources as organisers and build our activist structures to be adaptive to challenges. Multi-employer bargaining poses new opportunities to bring delegates into strategy building and consider how we can allow for worksite autonomy and democracy while uniting on centralised strategy to strengthen our organising in the face of new challenges.


Session 1 | 8 October | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 2 | 15 October | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 3 | 22 October | 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 4 | 29 October | 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Cost: $150


Register here